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W A N L I N     X I A

Videos Arts/Video Games/3D Animation/ Simulation/VR

Wanlin Xia, BFA graduated in New Media from the Central Academy of Fine Arts; MFA in School of the Institution of Chicago, in Film, Video, New media and Animation. Wanlin mainly focus in Video Arts, 3D animated films, Game videos, and Virtual Cinema. Wanlin’s work provide audiences with a captivating cinematic visual experience. The content of her work revolves around exploring the intricacies of relationships within families, romantic relationships, and society at large. She delve into themes such as memory, power dynamics, and psychological shifts within these relationships. Technically, She driven to experiment with various software and media to blend the physical and digital realms, creating a seamless fusion about the real and the unreal, the tangible and the subconscious.

Exhibited experiences includes: China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing; 798 Crane Space, Beijing; Shanghai International Musical Instrument Exhibition, Shanghai; Hall of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing; PIL Public Image Exhibition Hall, Beijing; Boundless Art Museum, Guangdong; Beijing Times Art Museum, Beijing; M Woods Museum, Beijing; Tank Shanghai, Shanghai.